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Monthly Payment Plan Options
A monthly payment plan option is available each semester through Nelnet Campus Commerce and runs June through October for the fall semester and November through March for the spring semester. A student or any Authorized Payer can enroll in the monthly payment plan by the published enrollment dates. To enroll, go to to set up your monthly payment amount. Payment plan enrollment has a limited window of time to enroll and may require a down-payment depending on date of enrollment in the plan.
Simple Steps to Enroll
Before proceeding, please read the following:
Students: If someone is paying on your behalf, you MUST first set them up as an Authorized Payer.
- Go to
- Click on Self Service
- Click on Student Center
- Click on “Link to Nelnet Campus Commerce”
- click on Add Payer
Parents/Authorized Payers
- Student will need to sign into self-service and access Nelnet Campus Commerce
- Click on Authorized Party link to add and invite the person to Nelnet Campus Commerce
- Authorized Party receives invite from Nelnet Campus Commerce to accept
- Follow the link from the email invite to create a Nelnet Campus Commerce account